
CodePen - My Portfolio Welcom To My Portfolio

Tri Eka Putra

Oceanographer, Junior Web Dev.

About Me

Let me tell you a few things...

Tri Eka Puta


  • Born : Bukuttinggi, 29 March 1996


Institute Technology of Bandung

SMA N 5 Bukittinggi


2018 - Responsive Web Design Cartification | freecodecamp.org

2018 - Internship | Balai Pantai - PUSAIR

Observation of reflected wave from coastal structures base on laboratory experiment

2017 - Hydro-Oceanography Survey |

  • Bathymetric Survey
  • Coastline Survey
  • levelling
  • Meteorogical Observation
  • Tidal Observations
  • Wave and Surface Current Observation
  • water Quality Observation
  • 2017 - Internship | Loka Penelitian dan Kerentanan Pesisir

    Spatial analysis for tsunami inundation and impact assessment

    My Portfolio

    Chack out some of my projects...

    Contact Me

    This is how you can reach me...

    Email: putratrieka@gmail.com
    Phone: (+62)852-7825-7123
    Address: Bandung, Jawa Barat - Indonesia